WeKan Wordwide Commercial Support

WeKan (VAT Number: FI34047245) is a non-profit company at Finland, where all grants go directly to Open Source maintenance and development of WeKan. All code is published with MIT license to https://github.com/wekan/wekan where is WeKan for all platforms. There is nothing propietary. All work hours progress is public at Roadmap that is hosted at server donated to WeKan development.

Email: support@wekan.team

CEO: Lauri Ojansivu (xet7), Maintainer of WeKan ® Open Source kanban since 2016-12. WeKan currently has many customers at EU, America and Asia.

Services at support@wekan.team

Preferred Payment Options:

1) Pre-payment: Official invoice PDF with IBAN Bank number. Works better at EU area (than outside of EU).

Required info to send to email support@wekan.team so that invoice PDF can be made:

  1. What payment is about, examples:
    1. GitHub issue numbers about new feature or fix
    2. Yearly Support: How many years, and total euro
    3. One Support Case: What to do in that support case, and total euro
    4. Hosting: How many years, and total euro
    5. Other info what payment is about
  2. Company name
  3. Company VAT number, or info that company does not have VAT number
  4. Company full address: Street Name, Street Number, Zip Code, City, Country
  5. First name and Last name of person who pays
  6. Email address where to send official PDF invoice
  7. Invoice Due Date

Very important when paying the bill is writing the reference number on the bill, so payment goes to WeKan.

For any WeKan questions, please send email to support@wekan.team

2) Pre-payment: E-invoicing to OVT address, only at Finland

Required info to send to Email support@wekan.team so that E-invoice can be made:

  1. What payment is about, examples:
    1. GitHub issue numbers about new feature or fix
    2. Yearly Support: How many years, and total euro
    3. One Support Case: What to do in that support case, and total euro
    4. Hosting: How many years, and total euro
    5. Other info what payment is about
  2. Company name
  3. Company VAT number, or info that company does not have VAT number
  4. Company full address: Street Name, Street Number, Zip Code, City, State, Country
  5. First name and Last name of person who pays
  6. Email address of person who pays
  7. OVT address where to send E-invoice
  8. Invoice Due Date

Other Payment Options:

3) Pre-payment: Wise. Low fees.

      Send any custom amount with https://wise.com to support@wekan.team

4) Pre-payment: PayPal. High fees (sometime even 100 euro).

a) Send any custom amount with PayPal to support@wekan.team

b) Support/Feature/Fix/Hosting Size
WeKan ® GitHub issue number(s) / Yearly Support / One Support Case / Hosting / other info what payment is about:
Additional Details:

5) Pre-payment: Credit Card etc, with Stripe

Registered trademark in Finland. Other countries usually honor trademarks of one country.

© WeKan